REDS "The Witnesses" 2 x lathe cut lps + story + mix cd set


**REDS Beneath the Moon: A Movie Set Gone Wrong**

*Tagline: "When the curtain falls, the nightmare begins."*


During the filming of a low-budget sci-fi film titled *REDS Beneath the Moon,* crew members face an unforeseen alien invasion that turns their artistic endeavor into a fight for survival.

Just as the smoke machine activates, filling the set with fog, real sirens go off in the distance. An unexpected tremor shakes the ground, and the lights flicker.


A remote area outside a dusty town where a dilapidated movie studio has set the stage for an ambitious film about intergalactic encounters. The film stars a group of aspiring actors, crew, and an eccentric director, known for his passion but also his questionable judgment.


**Act 1: The Setup**

It’s a warm, moonlit night, and filming is underway for *REDS Beneath the Moon.* The plot revolves around space travelers encountering a hostile alien race. As the crew adjusts the lights and tests the equipment for the climactic scene, tension rises.

**The Film Score:**
The score features Red's latest work, "The Witnesses," a two-volume lathe-cut LP set designed to provoke eerie emotions through high-frequency sounds and deep bass riffs. *Rash Beneath the Moon* plays the music on a loop for atmosphere—an unsettling backdrop to their light-hearted production.

**Cameo of Discomfort:**
Tensions mount when the actors, relying on their nightly antics for calming nerves, recount a recent warning they received from a local about strange happenings in the area: disappearing livestock and unusual lights in the sky.


**Act 2: The Incident**

As the crew sets up for the climactic scene—one featuring a *burning flesh in mist* from the alien encounter—the director insists on a dramatic explosion sequence. The FX team struggles with budget constraints, using homemade pyrotechnics that suddenly ignite more than they anticipated.

**Alien Attacks Begin:**
Suddenly, the set is lit by unfamiliar green beams piercing through the mist. The actors freeze, eyes wide as they glimpse **scabbed over fading echoes** of silhouettes creeping toward them in the dark.

It becomes uncannily clear that this film set is not merely a staging area—it has drawn the attention of actual extraterrestrial beings who misinterpret the crew's pretend violence as a provocation.

With chaos erupting, **scarred faces of twilight** replace the joy of filmmaking. Panic ensues as the actors and crew scramble, trying to make sense of the unfolding nightmare. The director insists on continuing to film, announcing, "It's all part of the script!"


**Act 3: The Fight for Survival**

As alien forces take over the set, it becomes an all-out battle between the crew and the invaders. The line between reality and fiction blurs—creative visions morph into terror.

Amidst the struggle, remnants of their film set become makeshift weapons, igniting a desperate fight for survival.

Mia reflects on her procedure, pondering how close she came to losing herself when the stakes were high, emphasizing the larger journey through fear, survival, and the devilish grip of fate that tenuously intertwines within the art of filmmaking.

**Daily Medications and Procedures:**
As the situation escalates, one of the actors, Mia, clutches her throat in distress. She remembers her scheduled bronchoscopy that required her to refrain from eating or drinking after midnight. Desperate, she fumbles with her phone, wanting to reach out to her **physician** while also confronting the absurdity of her situation. The irony isn't lost on her—facing potential choking in a life-or-death scenario, she realizes the importance of her medications amidst impending doom.


**Climax and Resolution:**

With the crew banding together, they combine their cinematic knowledge with survival instincts. Mia devises a plan using the smoke and mirrors of the set to confuse the attackers while trying to direct others to make a stand.

In a final showdown, they manage to manipulate a special effects device that produces a blinding light capable of pushing back the aliens. They capture the moment on film, documenting the bizarre twist of fate.

As dawn approaches, the smoke clears, and the crew is left with the aftermath of destruction and disbelief. The footage they capture becomes an unexpected testament to human resilience and creativity—**preparing for redemption amid chaos.**



Days later, the town buzzes with gossip of the incident, now part local legend. The footage carved into the lathe-cut LPs becomes an underground sensation—*witnesses* to the bizarre intersection of reality and imagination, inspiration for their next project while welcoming back the thrill of creativity amidst the continuing horror of unexplainable events. "

**Closing Note:**
The credits roll with a chilling ambient track—a soundscape of *Rash Beneath the Moon* echoing through the theater. It reminds the audience that sometimes reality is stranger than fiction, and our greatest stories emerge even against the most peculiar odds.

Completely handmade, numbered edition of 1.

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