ICK UTPHE "Eincarnation & Exualit" 2c60 + story + insert Boxset


"Review of "Damp Interior Dwelling on the Clouds of Jupiter":

Location: Damp Interior Dwelling on the Clouds of Jupiter
Rating: ⭐️


Oh, where to begin with this utterly bizarre damp interior dwelling? It's like stepping into a twisted fever dream, where reality and insanity blur together in a haze of confusion and despair. From the moment you stumble through the soggy clouds, you're greeted with an overwhelming sense of bewilderment and bewitchment.

Let's start with the facilities, shall we? The building itself is a wretched spectacle, with walls that seem to pulsate and shift in a disturbingly organic manner. Mold creeps and crawls across every surface, forming grotesque patterns that seem to writhe and squirm in the dim, damp light. And the smell... oh, the smell! It's a nauseating cocktail of mildew, decay, and something altogether unnameable.

But the real horror lies in the "staff" that inhabit this peculiar place. Creatures with limbs that bend and twist in unnatural ways, eyes that gleam with a malevolent light, and voices that echo with a disconcerting chorus of whispers. They move with an unsettling grace, gliding through the damp corridors with an air of sinister purpose.

And then there's the quality of care, or lack thereof. This damp interior dwelling seems more interested in harvesting moisture than attending to the needs of its visitors. I waited for what felt like an eternity, surrounded by the incessant drip-drip-drip of water, only to be greeted by a creature with tentacles instead of hands and a diagnosis that seemed to come straight from the depths of madness.

But perhaps the strangest aspect of all is the atmosphere of the place. It's like being trapped in a never-ending rainstorm, where the air is thick with moisture and the sound of dripping water is a constant, maddening cacophony. Shadows dance and flicker in the dim light, whispering secrets that seem to echo with the weight of eternity.

Insert Boxset:
As if the horrors of this damp interior dwelling couldn't get any worse, I later discovered that ICK UTPHE "Eincarnation & Exualit" 2c60 was offering a limited edition boxset of their greatest medical mishaps. It was just another reminder of the sheer audacity and incompetence of this place.

In conclusion, I would not wish a stay in this damp interior dwelling on my worst enemy. It's a place where reality bends and twists like the shadows on the wall, where madness reigns supreme and sanity is but a distant memory. Avoid it at all costs, unless you have a penchant for the bizarre and the macabre."

Numbered edition of 1 completely handmade.

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