EV. ANCY AMES "Launch Out in the Deep" 2c90 + story + cd


"On Titan, the enigmatic moon of Saturn, there lived a peculiar being named Evancy Ames. Evancy was known far and wide for her insatiable curiosity and her knack for getting herself into the most bizarre situations imaginable.

One day, as Evancy was pondering the mysteries of the universe while strolling across the icy plains of Titan, she stumbled upon a strange contraption half-buried in the frozen soil. It looked like a cross between a vintage typewriter and a futuristic spaceship console, with buttons and levers protruding in every direction.

"Launch out in the deep," read the inscription on the side of the contraption in faded letters. Without hesitation, Evancy decided to heed the cryptic message and activated the machine with a gleeful grin.

In an instant, she found herself hurtling through the cosmos at breakneck speed, leaving behind Titan's frigid embrace. As she soared through the stars, Evancy couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation on her lips. She brushed it off as the thrill of interstellar travel until she noticed peculiar markings forming on her skin.

It wasn't long before Evancy realized that she had unwittingly contracted a virus that caused cold sores. How she managed to catch it in the vast emptiness of space was beyond her comprehension, but there she was, battling an interplanetary outbreak of cosmic cold sores.

Desperate for relief, Evancy scoured her spaceship for any remedies that might alleviate her discomfort. She stumbled upon a stash of over-the-counter creams and ointments tucked away in a forgotten corner, remnants of a previous spacefaring adventurer.

As she slathered the creams on her inflamed lips, Evancy couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of her situation. Here she was, millions of miles away from civilization, fighting off a cosmic affliction with nothing but a makeshift pharmacy and her wits.

But Evancy was not one to be deterred by adversity. With determination in her heart and cream on her lips, she continued her journey through the cosmos, knowing that no matter how bizarre the challenges she faced, she would always find a way to conquer them.

And so, with a cosmic cold sore serving as a quirky reminder of her adventures on Titan, Evancy Ames pressed onward, eager to uncover the next enigma that awaited her in the vast expanse of space."

Completely Handmade, edition of 1.

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