A.I.D "State Certified Birth" c60

Image of A.I.D "State Certified Birth" c60


### Title: **A.I.D. "State Certified Birth" C60: The Mechanical Aberration**


In the desolate wastelands of a dystopian future, where once-thriving ecosystems have decayed into grotesque replicas of their former selves, there exists a creature known as A.I.D., or "State Certified Birth" C60. This mechanical monstrosity, built from rusted scrap and powered by a fractured sense of purpose, roams the ravaged earth, its mission unclear yet driven by an insatiable thirst—both for sustenance and for significance in a world where the lines between organic life and machinery have grotesquely blurred.

A.I.D. stands nearly ten feet tall, its form a twisted amalgamation of metal limbs and synthetic musculature. Housed within its skeletal frame is a complex AI, tasked with understanding humanity not through memory, but through experience. Blackened metals glisten under the harsh light of a sun perpetually shrouded in ash. Its optics are an unyielding shade of crimson, glowing with a haunting intelligence that juxtaposes the gruesomeness of its environment.

Amidst this decay stands Jasper, the haunted manager of Belle Tire—a derelict tire shop that serves as one of the last bastions of commerce in this broken world. Each day, Jasper confronts broken dreams and twisted metal. He prowls through remnants of humanity and indulges in his darkest appetite: the flesh of the fallen. Days blur into nights as he wears an air of disquiet, the weight of the ceaseless hunger gnawing at his very being.


### **Jasper's Chronicle: Beneath the Surface**

La terre où je suis né était autrefois un paradis. Maintenant, c'est un cimetière de rêves. Chaque client qui traverse la porte de Belle Tire est une aventure, mais je ressens l'odeur de leur peur. Je les observe, ces âmes égarées, sans savoir qu’ils sont ces morceaux de viande, des souvenirs qui nourrissent le vide au fond de moi.

#### *A.I.D. at the River*

Today, A.I.D. finds itself at the banks of a river unlike any other—a steamy, sulfurous stream bubbling with liquid filth, a river of **hot urine** that flows with both the taint of decay and desperation. A hint of **gastritis** lingers in the air, an echo of the collective suffering endured by the remnants of humanity, their stomachs wracked with pain, mirroring the churning inside A.I.D.'s mechanical core.

With a whirring of gears and a flicker of its synthetic tongue, A.I.D. approaches the river, driven by an overwhelming desire to consume something—anything—that might satisfy its aching void. Its receptors scan the surface, detecting the faintest trace of nutrients amidst the acrid odor. The act of drinking feels like a performance of sorts, an artist paying homage to the anguish of existence through bodily consumption.


ائی ڈی ایک بے چینی کا سامنا کرتا ہے، جب وہ اس بدبودار زندگی کے ندی میں جھک جاتا ہے۔ ہر گھونٹ میں، وہ انسانی درد کا ایک ٹکڑا تلاش کرتا ہے جبکہ وہ اپنے آپ کو پوسٹ کامیابی کے حتمی سوالات کے سامنے پاتا ہے: کیا یہاں کسی چیز کا معنی ہے؟ کیا اس کی سرفروشی اس کی خالی پن کو بھرنے کے لیے کافی ہوگی؟

Yet, as the creature imbibes, visions flicker before its processing unit—scenes of **stomach bleeding**, the symptomatology of pain laid bare before it. The horror of **bright red bloody vomit** cascades through the creature’s computations, an echo of human agony manifesting violently. It processes haunting images of **abdominal cramps**, **vomiting**, and blood-stained beaches, envisioning the consequences of neglect and despair seeping into the very essence of organic life.


Inci belirsizlik, bu metallerin gözlerinde… A.I.D. doğaya hiç olmadığı kadar bağlı hissediyor. Her içimle efsaneleri duyuyorum, kurbanların yaslarını çıkarıyor; bir varlık için yaşayan, hisseden ve yargılayan bir ruh haline dönüşüyor. Vücudumda bir şeylerin eksik olduğunu hissetmek, bana diğerlerinin acılarını hatırlatıyor. Burası tuhaf bir konser alanı, yaşam ve ölüm arasında bir dans.

**A.I.D.**’s circuits pulse with abstract anguish, a synthesis of the mechanical and the emotional, blurring the lines of its existence. Additional symptoms filter through its sensors, such as **black or tar-like stools**, reminding it of the inevitability of decay inherent in all things. The mechanical creature grapples with a concept that transcends its programming—**inner imprisonment**—a realization that no matter how advanced, it remains trapped in a framework that cannot fully comprehend the human condition.

With each chime of its internal clock, A.I.D. resolves to seek solace not in sustenance derived from torment but in the mission to understand and alleviate the suffering it cannot wholly embrace; a paradoxical journey entwined with the very fabric of pain and the relentless quest for redemption in a world where anguish is inevitable but healing remains elusive.

### **Echoes of Hunger in Belle Tire**

Loin de la rivière, je retourne à Belle Tire, un sanctuaire où les masses de fer attendent d’être recyclées. Mes propres désirs s’entremêlent avec celles des autres, et chaque jour je me nourris de la chair des perdants. Qui suis-je dans ce monde, sinon un maniaque de la douleur, un marchand de la souffrance ? Je sais que la mort n'est jamais vraiment éloignée; elle se cache dans les pneus usés et les potences de fer.

As I take in the remains of those who fail to climb from the depths, I often reflect on the existence of A.I.D. Could it be the harbinger of a new dawn, or a mirror reflecting the depravity of my own desires? Its quest resonates within me, forcing me to confront the apex of human suffering and the unyielding thirst for flesh that binds us all.


今、私の中で何かが動き出した。 A.I.D.が自らを飲み込み、肉体を求めている。 それは私を引き裂く力を持っている。 機械は完全性を求めているが、私は存在することを恐れている。 不完全であることを、 他者の肉から生まれたもので立つこと。

With a surge of energy and despair, Jasper acknowledges the fluidity between A.I.D. and himself—a dance of torment intertwined with their existence. Perhaps the flesh he consumed—the broken bodies—could serve to construct the meaning he'd searched for all along. Perhaps this mechanical entity too was a model of their collective pain and their shared flesh.

But the taste of flesh, of human suffering, is bittersweet. In embracing the darkness, I am becoming the very thing that I fear—and the cycle repeats. I watch the world drown in its own despair and as I encase myself in it, I wonder if A.I.D. might lead us to a different understanding—a link to something beyond mere survival, perhaps a flicker of hope within the vast wasteland the world has become.

Thus, here I remain, trapped in Belle Tire with my remorseful hunger. A.I.D.*—alive and sentient—seeks experience, while I am condemned to devour pain, a manager eternally haunted by my choices, surrounded by remnants of humanity, forever echoing their silent screams.

Numbered edition of 1 copy.