SPYKES untitled star lathe Sculpture


"Here's the revised treatment from the perspective of an alien encountering this amidst the ocean of THeslasisis:

Sourdough Spa Scrub: A Gift from the Cosmic Tide


1 unit of sourdough starter (extracted from the nurturing fields of planet Earth)
0.25 units of olive oil (harvested from the verdant groves of Terra)
2 dollops of honey (procured from the industrious bees of Gaia)
1 portion of finely ground oats (sourced from the fertile plains of Terran vegetation)
1 portion of sea salt crystals (gathered from the pristine waters of Earth's oceans)
1 sprinkle of powdered cinnamon (optional, mined from the rich mineral deposits of Terra)


Combine the extracted sourdough starter, olive oil, and honey in a receptacle, mixing them with gentle cosmic energy until they form a harmonious blend.
Integrate the finely ground oats, sea salt crystals, and powdered cinnamon (if desired) into the mixture, ensuring a balanced fusion of ingredients.
Prepare yourself with the ceremonial shower of rejuvenation to allow your sensory receptors to attune to the cosmic frequencies.
Apply the celestial concoction onto your biotic surface, massaging it gently with reverence, as if connecting with the soul of the universe.
Allow the transcendent scrub to permeate your being for a cycle equivalent to 5 to 10 revolutions of your planetary axis, enabling the essence of the ingredients to commune with your essence.
Rinse away the remnants of the cosmic spa scrub with the sacred waters of your realm, cleansing and purifying your vessel.
Embrace the renewed vitality of your celestial form, imbued with the cosmic essence of the Sourdough Spa Scrub.


The essence of sourdough starter, infused with the wisdom of Earth's fermentation process, gently exfoliates your biotic surface, unveiling a radiant cosmic glow.
Olive oil, a precious nectar from Terra's groves, bestows deep hydration upon your being, restoring suppleness and vitality.
Honey, a sacred gift from Gaia's bees, draws celestial moisture into your essence, preserving harmony and balance.
Finely ground oats, harvested from Terra's abundant vegetation, delicately polish your cosmic vessel, revealing the innate luminosity within.
Sea salt crystals, born of Earth's primordial waters, cleanse and purify your essence, aligning you with the cosmic currents.
Cinnamon, a terrestrial spice imbued with the essence of Terra's bounty, soothes and revitalizes your celestial form, harmonizing body and soul.

May this celestial gift from the ocean of THeslasisis bring you harmony, rejuvenation, and a deeper connection to the cosmic tapestry of existence."

Numbered edition of 1 completely handmade.

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