LIFE and DEATH in EDE "The Blical and Ientific Evidence for Animal Death before the FALL" 3c60 set


"Byte by Byte: The Cyber Serpent's Feeding Frenzy

In the depths of the waste swamps, where neon-lit shadows dance with the hum of machinery, lurks a sinister presence—the Cyber Serpent. Its metallic scales glisten with malevolence as it slithers through the digital mire, its hunger for human flesh insatiable. And as the night falls, the Cyber Serpent awakens, ready to feast on unsuspecting prey.

In the heart of the neon jungle, a group of intrepid explorers ventures into the waste swamps, their hearts pounding with excitement and fear. Little do they know that they are being watched, studied by the Cyber Serpent as it plans its next meal.

As the explorers delve deeper into the darkness, they stumble upon a forgotten cache of ancient data chips—a relic of a bygone era. But their discovery is short-lived, for lurking in the shadows is the Cyber Serpent, its glowing eyes fixated on the unsuspecting intruders.

With a sudden burst of speed, the Cyber Serpent strikes, its metallic jaws snapping shut with deadly precision. One by one, the explorers fall victim to its insatiable hunger, their screams drowned out by the cacophony of the waste swamps.

The Recipe:
Meanwhile, in a distant laboratory, Farrell Monaco deciphers the ancient recipe for Panis Quadratus, her fingers flying across the keyboard as she inputs the data into her cybernetic interface. With a dash of Git (Roman coriander), she recreates the bread that once graced the tables of Pompeii, unaware of the horrors unfolding in the waste swamps.

But as the Cyber Serpent's rampage continues, Monaco's creations take on a sinister twist. The bread, infused with the essence of ancient spices, becomes a tantalizing lure for the unsuspecting victims, drawing them into the serpent's deadly embrace.

As the night wears on, the Cyber Serpent's appetite knows no bounds, its metallic form pulsating with the thrill of the hunt. With each passing hour, its hunger grows stronger, driving it to ever greater heights of carnage and destruction.

As dawn breaks over the waste swamps, the Cyber Serpent slithers back into the shadows, its hunger temporarily sated. But in the darkness, it waits, biding its time until the next unsuspecting prey ventures into its domain.

And as for Farrell Monaco and her ancient recipe? Let's just say that some secrets are best left buried in the digital sands of time, lest they awaken forces beyond human comprehension."

Numbered edition of 2 completely handmade.

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